"Corporate" Template

This template has been specifically designed to accommodate large amounts of content. It features a three-column, fixed-width layout that includes two sidebars, a main menu and individual section menus. Room for personalization features has been provided in the left sidebar and you can put banners at the top if you wish (though this hasn't been implemented in the sample pages).

Note: general features of this template which are common to all templates are described in the introduction to the template set. Make sure to read this document first if you haven't done so already.

Main features


The template comes with three different themes, called Granite, Sand and Paper. The desired theme is set in the web.config file in the application root. Set the stylesheetTheme attribute of the pages element to the name of one of the themes and view the result in the browser.

Menu and breadcrumbs

The main menu is an instance of the ASP.NET Menu control spanning the top of the center column. Both the menu and the SiteMapPath control beneath it derive their content from the web.sitemap file. When the user clicks on one of the section links in the top menu, the pages belonging to the selected section are displayed in a submenu at the top of the left sidebar. This is a second instance of the Menu control which is bound to the application's site map, too.

If you add new pages to the site, make sure you also place corresponding entries in the site map so the pages will be displayed correctly in the top and sidebar menus as well as the breadcrumbs.

Note: dynamic (dropdown or flyout) submenu items for the menus are not supported in this release of the template.

Source-ordered XHTML

If you view the XHTML output of this template, you will notice that the main content of each page is placed before the content of both the left and right sidebar. This means that search engines won't have to parse lots of sidebar content (which is usually secondary in importance) before they get to the actual content to be indexed. This is likely to improve your content's ranking.


The master page, the sample pages and the contact form in Contact.aspx are in compliance with Priority 1 checkpoints of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 1.0) as well as § 1194.22 of Section 508. Use the techniques shown there for your own pages as well, so they'll be accessible for site visitors with disabilities.


The template includes a SQL Server Express version of the pubs sample database for displaying a list of books on various pages. You may have to grant read and write permissions on the pubs.mdf file located in the application's App_Data directory to the ASP.NET process account (ASPNET on IIS 5.x, NETWORK SERVICE on IIS 6) if you encounter errors when trying to view the data-driven pages.

If you don't want to use the SQL Express database, simply change the connection string in the connectionStrings section of the web.config file to point to a different destination.

Designer support

The web form designer in Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Web Developer Express 2005 has been greatly improved over the one contained in Visual Studio 2003. Unfortunately, though, it has trouble displaying all three columns of this layout next to each other, resulting in the left column being pushed down below the content. While this isn't as aesthetically pleasing as it could be, you can still edit the content using the designer and take advantage of its features.

Template structure

The three-column grid of this template is based on a reference CSS layout called the Rigid Piefecta, which was created by the folks at positioniseverything.net, an excellent resource for all things CSS. See their sample and its source code for a description of how the elements work together to make the layout work.

The div elements in the master page are named according to their function so you should be able to understand the purpose of each relatively quickly. Comments have been added for clarity.

As with all other templates, the look of each theme is achieved by a combination of background colors and background images that are assigned to specific div elements of the master page. See the style sheet for further details.

Customizing the template

Modifying a template's design to suit your needs is done almost exclusively in the CSS and .skin files of a theme. The recommended approach to customizing a theme is to make a copy of the one that most closely resembles the look you're going for in the App_Themes directory and give it a new name. The main areas of customization of this template are: company logo, colors, background images and, of course, the content of the page and the sidebars.

Note: be careful when changing dimensions, such as width, height, margin etc. in the style sheet. The layout, while working stably across across nearly all modern browser versions, is composed of a very intricate structure that should be changed only after studying and thoroughly understanding the Rigid Piefecta layout, since even relatively small changes at the wrong place can break the layout. This warning applies only to changes to layout-critical CSS properties as described in the general introduction to the template set.

Company logo

The logo is placed in its own div element, aptly named logo. Technically, there is no restriction on the width of the logo image, but the image height shouldn't exceed the height of the sample logo of each theme.


The images used to create the design of each theme are stored in the Images subfolder of the theme. Some images have very specific widths or heights to make them fit into the layout. If you want to stay on the safe side when editing the supplied images in a graphics program, try not to change any image dimensions. Note that this warning only applies to images used for layout purposes, such as background-tiles. There is no restriction on modifying pictures used in the page contents, of course.

Page and sidebar content

Before you start to add content to the pages of your themed application it is a good idea to study the sample pages provided with each template as well as the master page. Sections that require specific markup are commented and contain instructions on what the markup should look like so it will actually pick up the styles set in the style sheet and the skin file.

To simplify managing the sidebar content, you may want to consider encapsulating a number of reusable sidebars in ASP.NET User Controls and then assigning these as the content of the sidebar placeholders in the aspx pages.